Native American

Native Peace


Native PeaceYesterday I celebrated my grandmother’s 77th Birthday.  I have not had the chance to celebrate a birthday with her for many many years. She has been a very important figure in my life in shaping my strength and views. I have seen through the years how much she has handled and how resilient one can be. Having come from a Native American [Chumash Indian] family raising her siblings, and pushing through the years of inequality. I am amazed over and over again, in what she had accomplished.  For example, last night I learned how she used to swing from canyon rocks excavating ancient grounds locating Native American Artifacts for the museums! What?! They used to call her “Rambo.”  Well her name does actually translate to “Hard Rock.”

We celebrated with family and my amazing partner had sung some of her favorite songs while playing guitar. Truly a wonderful night for her and the family. I am lucky to have the time to appreciated it.

Grandma Petra
Grandma Petra

I made her something to represent her strength and  honor in our heritage. I know through the years of her era growing up 30s, 40s, 50s, and so on. These years where very hard on races, especially Native’s. So much so, that Native’s where in fact forced to give up and be ashamed of their heritage! They were forced to cut their hair short and be a part of white society. Starting with my great grandmother Josephine, whom was taken from her family and forced into Mission Orphanages. These were set up to eradicate Native American culture. And in a word to “missionize” them. Give them religion, and strip them of culture. Unbelievable, right? There are many, many injustices in this world, and that was just one point.  – Anyho I made her a figure set in a Native background. .representing “Native Peace.”


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