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Blessings for All * On this day of Mourning……Thanksgiving


There is something huge happening right now! Help protect our water.

Please take the time to consider donating to any one of these confirmed links.

Your support will help the nation of Indigenous peoples of America to continue to fight for OUR water. For the future of your children and for us now, this is the time to come together and open your eyes and see that APATHY is not the way to a better future. We have to take control of our lives and not accept the way things are. We know in our hearts, that things are not right. Even more so than ever, this is our generations fight.

In case you have missed any of the news feeds on Social Media.          #NODAPL #WATERISLIFE #ISTANDWITHSTANDINGROCK #OCETISAKOWIN

FOLLOW “Dallas Goldtooth” on facebook for up to the minute updates.

As there is barely any news coverage on this topic at all! Standing Rock has been a topic of discussion for the last few months. ….(Video from Sep.9th 2016)….

Resilience and strength, thank you to all of the nations that are standing up for us now.

The big oil pipeline companies have come to North Dakota to drill a pipeline into the land of the sacred, through the entire country. They originally were supposed to go from Bismark North Dakota, but had to change that because the community of white people refused and said it was too great a risk. Then the company decided to change plans and put that pipeline on Indian Land instead. Proclaiming that they indeed consulted the council, in which they did not. And have gone through with their plans on constructing it. The ripped through sacred lands (nothing new – all over this country that has always happened). The youth created the movement to peacefully stop this from going through now. This past week has shown violence inflicted from the Morton County Sheriffs office onto peaceful water protectors. This is so unbearable to see and believe that this can happen again in our supposed evolved society.

David Archambault is the Chair of Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Government 

Unarmed Water Protector – Sophia Wilansky – (21 yrs old from NYC) Facing possible amputation of arm. Update from her progress….

Sophia was safely taken out of North Dakota for emergent surgery and is currently in stable condition. Below is her statement as conveyed by her father, lawyer Wayne Wilansky. “At around 4:30am after the police hit the bridge with water cannons and rubber bullets and pepper spray they lobbed a number of concussion grenades which are not supposed to be thrown at people directly at protesters or protectors as they want to be called. A grenade exploded right as it hit Sophia in the left forearm taking most of the undersurface of her left arm with it. Both her radial and ulnar artery were completely destroyed. Her radius was shattered and a large piece of it is missing. Her medial nerve is missing a large section as well. All of the muscle and soft tissue between her elbow and wrist were blown away. The police did not do this by accident – it was an intentional act of throwing it directly at her. Additionally police were shooting people in face and groin intending to do the most possible damage. Sophia will have surgery again tomorrow as bit by bit they try to rebuild a somewhat functioning arm and hand. The first surgery took a vein from her leg which they have implanted in her arm to take the place of the missing arteries. She will need multiple surgeries to try to gain some functional use of the arm and hand. She will be, every day for the foreseeable future, fearful of losing her arm and hand. There are no words to describe the pain of watching my daughter cry and say she was sorry for the pain she caused me and my wife. I died a thousand deaths today and will continue to do so for quite some time. I am left without the right words to describe the anguish of watching her look at her now alien arm and hand.” – statement from her father Wayne Wilansky

Sophia Wilansky’s Gofundme

Unarmed Water Protector Vanessa Sioux Z

Vanessa has been on the front lines fighting DAPL and working security for Oceti Sakowin since September 11. During the action on November 20 at the Backwater bridge, she was shot in the eye with a tear gas canister  6 feet away.  It was aimed directly at her face by a Morton County officer. She was seen at Bismark Sanford hospital and released because she had no insurance.  She has a detached retina and needs surgery to ensure her vision. She is now seeking medical attention in Fargo. Donations will be used for the cost of the 2 ER visits, surgery, medications, and recovery.” – description of incident

Vanessa’s Gofundme

The true colors of our country are shining through more than ever. The new beings and enlightened ones on this planet now, please join me and this campaign to save our planet and our future.


What can we do?

As Teal Swan would say

“You do what you do, from where you are, with what you have and know. That’s what you do!”

this message has resonated with me tremendously, from Teal Swan speaking on our new president elect. ..


History is horrific, humanity has caused great pain and suffering towards it’s brothers and sisters. I am certain that some of us have evolved to realize that the way the system is, is not the way it should be. It is unsustainable. It is gearing towards a calamity of no return. We know that, and we know that APATHY will not stop it.

Here’s a new documentary on where the planet is heading, with Leonardo DiCaprio as our host.


We know to trust the status quo and continue on the path of greed and materialism is foolish. It is laughably apparent with what just happened in our country.

The time is now, tomorrow is not 100%. I am not preaching, I am only a small voice knowing that I can not contain myself anymore to follow this societal life path. We all know that, who are we kidding. We believe that we will lose our homes and food and money and jobs if we step out of them. Maybe we will, but the truth is (in my belief) it’s going to happen anyway. Better to choose to make a change and empower ourselves. Educate your children and yourselves.

aweeds01As I have learned to open my heart from bitterness, thank you my Breeze for giving me love and lifting the stones off my heart.

My life path has shown me great struggle and survival skills. Coming from a place with no parents and only the support of my Grandmother when she was able to be there. I have learned in life to keep to my books and art.  For the world on the outside was complete nonsense and I chose to avoid any interactions with it at all possible cases. I did not believe in what everyone was doing nor how they treated each other. I went completely into myself and kept on going until I found myself here in New York where I have been for the last 10 years. Without the pain and suffering I would not have achieved and learned the things I know now.

So, on that note. I will write from my heart.


I am grateful to the great many that are now opening their eyes and hearts to what is happening right now in Standing Rock. I absolutely believe in this generation coming in to be here for the great time of change and to assist us in bringing in the new age. I know, some of you may think this sounds completely crazy. But again, I am writing from my heart and my own personal intuition. Everything I believe resonates with my understanding of what is happening right now. Things have gone one this way quietly for a very, very long time. Now it has intensified. Now is the time for change.

On my annual Anti-thanksgiving post here, I write for all of the people who may or may not know me. This is what I would say to you, to give your some insight on this American tradition that is basically blasphemy to any Native.

To those who are from America, everything you were taught in your school books is wrong. Please do your research. There is nothing worse than someone who is certain of something with no actual background or knowledge of it. This is no holiday to celebrate. This is a day in which the Indigenous of this nation shared food with you and welcomed you into our homes. Then they proceeded to systematically wipe out the entire countries population of Natives. Otherwise known as Genocide. This is why today is a day of mourning. This is why I cringe when people tell me to have a Happy Thanksgiving. It’s like saying ‘Happy Holocaust.’ This is when, I quietly swallow my teeth and die a little inside. I mean, I can’t be rude and real or can I?

To those of you who are NEW immigrants to this country and were not born here. I welcome you, everything you learn from passing your citizenship is a lie. There is usually no mention of what this country was actually made from. They skip that part and go straight to Freedom from Britain! Yay, new rules new country yay! Welcome to land of the free! The real details on the how this America was built is hard to find and is actually skewed in such a wrong direction it is horrific. Hollywood doesn’t help. at all!

To make peace with the land, please acknowledge the Natives. They are not ghosts, they are not gone. They are here, and somehow have less rights than you do! Reservations are not a fun place to visit or gawk they are sacred. They are deemed by the government (still on record by the way) as Prisoner of War Camps. Yes, like the internment camps/concentration camps. yes all of that shit. Given land that the white people did not want or saw no resources in .




Here is a movie to start you on..



[In the 1880s, after the U. S. Army’s defeat at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, the government continues to push Sioux Indians off their land. In Washington, D.C., Senator Henry Dawes (Aidan Quinn) introduces legislation to protect Native Americans rights. In South Dakota, schoolteacher Elaine Goodale (Anna Paquin) joins Sioux native and Western-educated Dr. Charles Eastman in working with tribe members. Meanwhile, Lakota Chief Sitting Bull refuses to give into mounting government pressures.] follow the link below to watch….

Let’s start with withdrawing your money from the big banks.


please follow my next post I will provide all the links and resources to start doing this with us.


Blessed be,


my signature

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